======================About Me, Broken Stitches
Back in the day, I went to school for Graphic/Commercial Art. When I met Ryan I was in a bad place, recently breaking it off with a previous boyfriend. I joined an undisclosed website, which will remain as I won’t break a promise I made to Ryan, not letting anyone know exactly how we met, but we did. We connected and began to chat away. We talked only once over the phone unfortunately and never officially got to meet in person like we had planned before I had left New Jersey moving to North Carolina. Though I moved, we never disconnected — always staying in contact through emails or posts on Facebook, even chatting through Messenger. Constantly we would swap ideas for illustrations of music covers whether they were singles or EPs, even full albums of collaborated music. He considered me a dear friend, which he was no doubt and I the same, and part of the “family”. Sounds almost mobbish lol. Eventually I did lose contact with Ryan though I still sent birthday wishes, but with the last one I never heard back. Even trying to check in on him I never heard back. He will be missed and that’s all I have to say about that.
The Origin of my Tag — Ryan aka Ace had posted the following in a group early 2014 to get some ideas for my new LDF tag. Feel free to read the results, I’m sure you’ll all get a kick out of some. I know I did. Haha!
Ace M. Metric2:08pm Jan 26JEAUSEF ALL! we need to come up with some akas for our big sis Patricia Lawler! She’s an amazing graphic designer, friend, supporter, fan of ours, and as far as i’m concerned- a MEMBER of the Dart Fam!
you’re going to have more than one aka patty so brace yourself…
post some ideas homies!!!
Ace M. Metric2:08pm Jan 26patty unlimited
Ace M. Metric2:09pm Jan 26Pat Jeausef…
Patricia Lawler2:11pm Jan 26Oh boy!.. I do have 1 I’ve used b4 as screen names (stitches OR broken stitches) but can’t wait to see what gets thrown in the mix. 😀
Ace M. Metric2:11pm Jan 26Patty The Queen Lawler…
Ace M. Metric2:11pm Jan 26Broken Stitches is awesome
Ace M. Metric2:12pm Jan 26Patty Stitches
Ian Nadel2:15pm Jan 26Patty Lawless
Ian Nadel2:16pm Jan 26Patty ‘Flawless’ Lawless
Ian Nadel2:17pm Jan 26Wait, no – “Nearly-flawless Patty Lawless”
_______________________Patricia Lawler
artistbroken stitchesgraphic designerpattythe dart famThe LDFthe legendary dart family